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Advent by Candlelight

Ladies of Good Shepherd and sister congregations, you are invited to join us for an Advent by Candlelight services in the Good Shepherd gymnasium (Please feel free to bring a friend!). A short program of Christian hymns and Scripture will be presented, and dainties will be served. Please be sure to sign up on the attendance sheet in the church narthex, or call the church secretary at 605-371-0047 to sign up.

You can also sign up to volunteer to bring an elegant dessert or a fun appetizer to be served or decorate one of the tables. For table decorations, please plan settings for 6, and several candles as the overhead lights will be turned off.

Lastly, we are requesting that everyone that is willing, please bring a Nativity set from home to display during the program (you can take them home afterwards).

December 7

Midweek Advent Service

December 14

Midweek Advent Service