Growth Groups

Each week, small group Bible studies meet in members’ homes or at Good Shepherd and discuss how the Sunday message applies to their lives. Growth Groups are open to all, even if you’re not a member at Good Shepherd! Below we’ve listed out some answers to the most common questions about Growth Groups. Please feel free to contact Pastor Michael Johnson if you have further questions or would like to join a group!

  • Groups meet every other week. Each group meets on different days & at different times during the day. So we will be sure to get you fitted into a group that works best for you & your schedule!

  • Yes. While both are centered on God’s Word, Growth Groups puts an emphasis on growing in your relationship with other Christians as well. Growth Group studies apply the message from Sunday to my life and my relationship with God and those around me.

  • No! You don’t need to be a member of Good Shepherd to attend a Growth Group. Each time the study will be based on the message heard at Good Shepherd that week but you’ll still be able to participate even if you weren’t there to hear the message.

  • That’s ok. You are still able to participate in a Growth Group study just fine. If you want to know what the sermon was about before your Growth Group, you can view the service recording on our YouTube channel.

  • That’s ok too. When you join a Growth Group, you’re making a commitment to attend as often as possible. But it’s a fact of life that you can’t make every time. Remember that you’ll only be able to take away as much as you put into Growth Groups.

  • No problem. With Growth Groups we hope people will be able to grow in their relationship with Christ and other Christians while being themselves. Some of us like to talk and some of us like to listen. Grow and participate in whatever way you feel comfortable.

  • Growth Groups were designed with flexibility in mind. When you commit to a Growth Group, you’re committing to one quarter (typically 6-8 weeks long). Each quarter you’ll be given a chance to continue with your current group, change groups, or take a break from Growth Groups. Growth Groups are an important part of Good Shepherd, but we know there might be a time when life prevents you from being involved for a quarter or two.

  • It’s ok to admit a certain group just doesn’t work for you. You can still be members in the body of Christ! Every Growth Group quarter has a three week “buy-in” period where you can leave a group and try a new one no questions asked. If you want to try a new group after a quarter, go ahead and sign up for a new group!