
Mrs. Dahlberg focuses on all areas of learning through play-based learning and exploration in our preschool room for children 3-5 years. She pays attention to what her students are interested in and plans themes or projects that help them expand their knowledge and abilities in a variety of developmental areas. This early boost in skills sets up our youngest learners for future academic success and provides a smoother transition to elementary school. The daily schedule includes large and small group activities, Bible story, music and movement, multiple outdoor recesses, lunch and snack, centers, and rest time.

“We noticed our daughter was maybe a little behind in her speech and vocabulary, but within a few weeks of Mrs. Dahlberg's lesson plans, we noticed huge advances. We are more than confident that our daughter will be ready for Kindergarten and that is 100% due to Mrs. Dahlberg's attentive work with her.”
- 2024 Preschool Parent